Wat is Metahistorie?
Dr. F. de Graaff
Preken dr. F. de Graaf
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Metahistory, a history beyond a history
Wrestling with angels
A Jewish Lesson
The loss of status of Christianity in the West and the Netherlands
The current worldview in the West, dr. H. Dubbelman
the (spiritual) crisis in Western Europa
The number 70
The vulnerability of the (current) Western European culture, dr H. Dubbelman
The hidden, dr. M.H.J. Dullaart
Coherence of the controversial in the work of F. de Graaff
The iron law of olichargy, dr. H. Dubbelman
Dr. F. de Graaff
De contrast between Jacob (Israƫl) and Esau (Rome)
Are believers out of date? dr. H. Dubbelman
The angels of the Nations? dr. H. Dubbelman
What do the angels and their nations still mean these days? dr. H. Dubbelman
Psalm 82
A gap between the elite and the people and disruptive changes, dr. H. Dubbelman
The division of the (primordial) peoples and their gods, dr H. Dubbelman
De vision of dr. F. de Graaff, dr. B. Engelfriet
Metahystory of supernatural powers, dr H. Dubbelman
Life on Earth and the Angels of the Nations, 4, dr H. Dubbelman
The Metahistorical Conflict Between the Angels of Russia and Ukraine, dr H. Dubbelman
The angels of the nations 3, dr H. Dubbelman
The angels of the nations 2, dr H. Dubbelman
Creative power of the Holy Hebrew letters, dr H. Dubbelman
Increasing uncertainty in the world, dr. H. Dubbelman
The goal to destroy the Jewish people, dr. H. Dubbelman
The influence of the angels of the nations, dr. H. Dubbelman
The modern nations and their angels, dr. H. Dubbelman
The angels of the nations (5), dr. H. Dubbelman